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Train a LLM. This function will submit a training job and continuously poll until the job is completed. You can monitor the job at

Specify the data as an argument to lamini.Lamini.train then Lamini will train only on that data.

data = [
    {"input": "What's your favorite animal?", "output": "dog"},
    {"input": "What's your favorite color?", "output": "blue"},
llm = Lamini(model_name="meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf")
results = llm.train(data)

This will return a dataset_id which can be used to persist the data across multiple runs.

llm = Lamini(model_name="meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf")
results = llm.train(data="dataset_id")

Persisted data will be evicted after a month of storage, and we recommend that you manage your data separately.

Optional Step: If you want to change the default values of the hyper-parameters of the model (like learning rate), you can pass the hyper-parameters you want to modify using the following code

results = llm.train(finetune_args={'learning_rate': 1.0e-4})

Currently we support most hyper-parameters in HuggingFace's training arguments, like max_steps, batch_size, num_train_epochs, early_stopping etc.

Common hyperparameters to tune include:

  • learning_rate (float) - the learning rate of the model

  • early_stopping (bool) - whether to use early stopping or not

  • max_steps (int) - the maximum number of steps to train for

  • optim (str) - the optimizer to use, e.g. adam or sgd, a string from HuggingFace

For models over 3B parameters, parameter-efficient finetuning with LoRAs is turned on by default. For parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), we support the following hyperparameters:

results = llm.train(peft_args={'task_type': 'CAUSAL_LM'})

Common hyperparameters to tune for LoRA/PEFT tuning:

  • r_value (int)

  • lora_alpha (int)

  • lora_dropout (int)

  • target_modules (list)

  • bias (str)

  • task_type (str)


results: dict - a dictionary object with fields job_id, model_name, and dataset_id which can be used to fetch eval results or used to query the finetuned model. In order to query the finetuned model you may use the new model_name like so

my_output = Lamini(model_name="meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf").generate("My question")