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Runs the instantiated LLM engine.

llm = Lamini(model_name=model_name)


  • prompt: str or list[str] - the prompt
  • (optional) output_type: dict - the type of the output


output: dict - output of the LLM, based on prompt, in the type specified by output_type. If not specified, output will be what the model chooses to return (most commonly a String).


from lamini import Lamini

llm = Lamini(model_name="meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf")

prompt = "What are llamas?"
my_output = llm.generate(prompt)
my_output_str = llm.generate(prompt, output_type={"output": "string"})

prompts = ["What are llamas?", "What are alpacas?"]
my_outputs = llm.generate(prompts)

Fault Tolerance

Local Cache File

You can use local_cache_file to specify a path on your local machine to store the inference results. In the event of a failure during a set of inference jobs, restarting will quickly retrieve existing results from the local cache, significantly speeding up the process compared to fetching results from the server again.


my_output = llm.generate(prompt, output_type={"output": "string"}, local_cache_file='my_cache.txt')


max_retries and base_delay can be used to automatically retry inference.

  • max_retries: int - Default to 0. Max number of attempts to retry inference
  • base_delay: number - Default to 10 seconds. In each retry attempt, delay = base_delay * 2 ** iteration_num


my_output = llm.generate(prompt, output_type={"output": "string"}, max_retries=3, base_delay=2)