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Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Check out our RAG SDK.

Try Out RAG!

You can find a RAG example to experiment with here. - data is a knowledge directory with our fictional company's recent investment data. - is a simple program that uses RAG with the investment data to answer "Have we invested in any generative AI companies in 2023?"

To run the RAG program:

  1. Please follow the installation instructions to install Lamini if you haven't already.
  2. Clone the repository
    git clone
  3. Go to the RAG directory
    cd lamini-sdk/03_RAG
  4. Run the RAG program


Suppose you're interested in knowing today's Bitcoin price, but the model responds:

I'm sorry, but my training only includes information up to Jan 2022...

What if you want to know the most successful product your company has launched, but the model replies:

I apologize, but I don't have access to real-time data or specific information about your company.

Language models may lack recent data and do not have access to your private data, resulting in potentially uninformative or inaccurate replies. This is where retrieval augmented generation (RAG) steps in, efficiently allowing users to incorporate their internal knowledge base and/or real time data for more accurate responses without modifying the underlying model itself :smiley: :thumbsup:.

High Level Overview

Lamini's RetrievalAugmentedRunner allows you to run RAG with just a few lines of code, like below. In the upcoming sections, we will provide a detailed explanation of the RAG steps, delve into the code, and provide guidance on configuring RAG.

from retrieval_augmented_runner import RetrievalAugmentedRunner

llm = RetrievalAugmentedRunner(chunk_size=512, step_size=256)
prompt = "Have we invested in any generative AI companies in 2023?"
augmented_prompt = "\n".join(reversed(most_similar)) + "\n\n" + prompt
response = llm.generate(augmented_prompt)

How RAG works:

  1. :books: :mag: Retrieval - Scans the knowledge base to retrieve info relevant to the user's prompt. Ex:
  2. User prompt: "Have we invested in any generative AI companies in the past year?"
  3. Scan the the company's internal documents. Retrieve information relevant to the prompt, such as company names, funding amounts, equity stakes, investments dates, and key personnel involved.
  4. ➕ Augmentation - Augment the prompt with the data retrieved from step 1 like below:
  5. ``` 1/1/2023, we invested in company A... 2/1/2023, we invested in company B... ...

    Have we invested in any generative AI companies in 2023? 3. ✨ Generation - Generate a well-informed response for the prompt from step 2. Ex: - Yes, in 2023, we invested in A and B. ```

Step 0: Prepare Knowledge Data

RAG requires the user to provide knowledge data which can be retrieved to augment the prompt. Lamini requires the user to input a directory path where all files are readable as text (e.g. txt, csv). The user can optionally specify a list of file patterns to exclude. If any file within the specified directory cannot be read as text and is not explicity excluded, then the directory loader will fail.

Step 1: Retrieval

Step 1.1: Data to Chunks

To facilitate efficient processing in later stages, the initial step is to load files from the knowledge directory and segment the data into substrings. The code below loads the files and then breaks the file contents into chunks based the optional arguments chunk_size and step_size.

llm = RetrievalAugmentedRunner(chunk_size=512, step_size=512)
  • chunk_size
  • Number of characters in each chunk. All chunks will have the same ssize, with the exception of the chunks at the end, which may be shorter.
  • Smaller chunks tend to provide more accurate results but can increase computationlly overhead.
  • Larger chunks may improve efficiency but reduce accuracy.
  • Default to 512.
  • step_size
  • Interval at which each chunk is obtained.
  • Ex. if step_size = 5, then we will extract chunks from indices 0, 4, 9, 14, 19, ..., and each chunk will have length chunk_size.
  • Default to 128.
  • step_size should be less than or equal to chunk_size.

You can optionally specify a list of file patterns to ignore with load_data. For example, the code below ignores files that end in *.bin and *.exe.

llm.load_data("path/to/knowledge_directory", exclude_files=["*.bin", "*.exe"])

The code to load the files is very straightforward. Simply load all the files in the directory recursively as text into a list of strings, but ignore files that fnmatches exclude_files.

    def load(self):
        # load all of the files in the directory recursively as text into a list of strings
        # return the list of strings
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
            for file in files:
                exclude = False
                for pattern in self.exclude_files:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, pattern):
                        exclude = True
                if exclude:
                with open(os.path.join(root, file), 'r') as f:

The code to divide the text into chunks is also straightforward. DefaultChunker get_chunks generates text chunks of a specified size, and DirectoryLoader get_chunk_batches uses DefaultChunker get_chunks to yield batches of these chunks with a specified batch size. The last batch may have shorter chunks.

class DefaultChunker:
    def get_chunks(self, data):
        # return a list of strings, each a substring of the text with length self.chunk_size
        # the last element of the list may be shorter than self.chunk_size
        for text in data:
            for i in range(0, len(text), self.step_size):
                max_size = min(self.chunk_size, len(text) - i)
                yield text[i:i+max_size]

class DirectoryLoader:
    def get_chunk_batches(self):
        # A generator that yields batches of chunks
        # Each batch is a list of strings, each a substring of the text with length self.chunk_size
        # the last element of the list may be shorter than self.chunk_size
        chunks = []
        for chunk in self.get_chunks():
            if len(chunks) == self.batch_size:
                yield chunks
                chunks = []

        if len(chunks) > 0:
            yield chunks

Experiment with Chunks

You might need to experiment with adjusting these parameters to achieve optimal results. Consider the knowledge text below:

"Our firm invested in 10 AI startups in 2023."
For simplicity, let chunk_size = step_size = 20. In other words, for each index in [0, 20, 40], extract a substring of length 20. This is what the output would look like:
["Our firm invested in",
 " 10 AI startups in 2",

Now consider chunk_size = 20, step_size = 10, meaning for each index in [0, 10, 20, 30, 40], extract a substring of length 20. Notice this will result in overlaps at the boundaries of adjacent chunks, as shown below. These overlaps will give each chunk some context from its neighbors and improve result quality during later steps. Though sometimes a larger step_size might lead to the response containing additional content that shouldn't be included.

["Our firm invested in",
 "nvested in 10 AI sta",
 " 10 AI startups in 2",
 "rtups in 2023.",

You may also want to implement your own loader or chunking logic, e.g. if you are loading data from a database instead of a set of files. We have found that there are many different ways of storing, loading, and transforming data. This data loading logic usually requires some new data wrangling.

Step 1.2: Chunk Embeddings --> Search Index

Now that we have the chunks, we must capture the semantic information and context of the chunks as numerical vectors known as embeddings. A large language model is used to convert the chunk into an embedding. Some popular embedding LLMs are listed on the (massive text embedding benchmark leaderboard)[].

We then use the embeddings to build an index, a data structure that is crucial for efficient data retrieval in large datasets. A simple index could just be implemented as a list of embedding vectors. To search through the index, a vector dot product between the query embedding and each of the embedding vectors from the list could be used to determine the distance in the embedding space. An optimized library like FAISS can improve upon this simple index by compressing it.

In Lamini, llm.train() performs all tasks above and saves the index to the local machine.

For those interested, Lamini builds an faiss.IndexFlatL2 index, a simple and fast index for similarity search based on Euclidean distance.

Below is the code that builds the index of the embeddings.

build_index initializes a Faiss index. For each data batch, it generates the embeddings and add the embeddings to the index. The loop also uses tqdm display a progress bar. In addition, it keeps track of the data batches processed in self.splits.

In get_embeddings, ebd.generate invokes Lamini's embedding endpoint to generate the embeddings for the text.

TODO: why take embedding[0] TODO: why convert to np.array?

    def build_index(self):
        self.splits = []
        self.index = None

        # load a batch of splits from a generator
        for split_batch in tqdm(self.loader):
            embeddings = self.get_embeddings(split_batch)

            if self.index is None:
                # initialize the index
      "Creating index with dimension {len(embeddings[0])}")
                self.index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(len(embeddings[0]))

            # add the embeddings to the index
            # save the splits

    def get_embeddings(self, examples):
        ebd = Embedding(config=self.config)
        embeddings = ebd.generate(examples)
        embedding_list = [embedding[0] for embedding in embeddings]

        return np.array(embedding_list)

Step 1.3: Retrieve Relevant Information from Embeddings

Using FAISS, Lamini performs a similarity search using embeddings of the question against all chunk embeddings, with the help of the index. This produces a list of chunk IDs ranked by their similarity scores.

Lamini's llm.train() also executes this step.

By default, the search returns the top 5 IDs. You can override this default value by specifying k in the RetrievalAugmentedRunner config.

llm = RetrievalAugmentedRunner(

Similar to adjusting chunk_size and step_size, you may need to experiment with modifying k to attain optimal results.

This is the query code:

    def query(self, query, k=5):
        embedding = self.get_embeddings([query])[0]

        embedding_array = np.array([embedding])

        # get the k nearest neighbors
        distances, indices =, k)

        return [self.splits[i] for i in indices[0]]

Step 2: Augmentation

This step is simple, we prepend the relevant chunks to the original prompt. For example:

Original prompt

List the worst rated projects that my company launched in 2023.

Augmented prompt

Pied Piper Compression, released 3/2023, lead by Richard H, received 1 star.
Not HotDog, released 1/2023, lead by Jian Y, received 3 stars.
New Internet, released 2/2023, lead by Richard H, received 5 stars.
Hooli Mobile Devices, released 12/2023, lead by Gavin B, received 1 star.
Nucleus, released 8/2023, lead by Nelson B, received 2 stars.

List the worst rated projects that my company launched in 2023.

The code below takes prompt, the original prompt as import and creates the augmented prompt.

This is the code that builds the new prompt.

    def _build_prompt(self, question):
        most_similar = self.index.query(question, k=self.k)

        prompt = "\n".join(reversed(most_similar)) + "\n\n" + question

        return prompt

Step 3: Generation

The final step of RAG is also very straightforward. Execute the Runner with the new prompt. also runs this step and returns the response.

The response for the augmented prompt in the previous step may look like

Based on the ratings, the worst projects launched by your company in 2023 are:

Pied Piper Compression (Richard H) - 1 star
Hooli Mobile Devices (Gavin B) - 1 star

Awesome! :tada: